Versatile Blogger Award

How pleased was I when I was nominated for a versatile blogger award by Georgia of Blissful and Wishful! Very very over the moon I tell thee. Thank you so much :) This is such a nice thing to do as it not only makes you proud of your blog but it gives you new blogs to read and discover! Win win. 

Firstly there are a few rules:
1. Thank the person who nominated you. Include a link to their blog
3. Select 15 new bloggers you follow regularly
4. Nominate these bloggers for a Versatile Blogger Award, leave a link to their page and a comment on their latest post to let them know they have been nominated.
5. Tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

The new blogs and kind of new blogs that I think are hot to trot at the moment are the following. Please take a look and join their blogs like I have!

7 things about me...

1. I am obsessed with anything white and dream of owning my own home where I can paint everything shades of white.

2. I have taken a big leap recently to change my life and moved in with a lovely new house mate. She is amazing. I feel like I've landed on my feet and feel good times ahead.

3. I am so jealous of people that can take arty photos and aim to one day be just as talented of some of you out there! 

4. I am a bit weird about magazines. I see them like books and have kept nearly every magazine since I was 16 when I got into Glamour. I even binde them with ribbon and have hundreds in my loft, used as side tables..I could go on.

5. I have a Maths degree but sometimes find it hard to add something simple!

6. My dream job is to own a cafe called Lotti Loves London with chic flic nights, pink velvet chairs and tea parties every day!

7. I now travel to work by a ferry across the Thames! How cool is that? 

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  1. I think you definitely need to open that cafe!! It sounds like such a darling idea. I'd have to hop the pond to come see it =) xx

  2. Congrats on you award! I have been enjoying your posts and I am glad to have found your blog :) I can relate to the arty photos, I so wish I could do that too! Glad to hear the move went well.

    take care and thanks for the nomination :)
