Lotti Loves Weekly

This week I came across some photos of a bike ride from sunnier times last year! Come on Spring, were more than ready for you now! My pastel outfits are dying to make an appearance! The daffs are a holding their ground and persevering through the coldness so maybe it wont be too long. 

I was invited to a show this week. Lucky me! Priscilla queen of the dessert was the dose of feel good I needed this week. Its a heart warming story that's pink and glitzy, camp and outrageous and full of the old classic songs you sing in the shower! I absolutely loved it, but clearly not as much as my friend who had seen it 5 times!!! More importantly, there are some pretty damn hot half naked men strutting their stuff all the way through, the costumes are by far the most creative I've ever seen in my life too, what's not to like about Priscilla!

The cast are touring all over the UK and abroad so check out the website for your nearest venue. Just a hint...don't book the seats that have extra leg room as the cast waltz around mid show and grab up members of the audience. My. Worse. Nightmare.

Happy weekend everyone!

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